Monday, September 26, 2016

A Day in Bishop Hill

We went out to get groceries Saturday and did what we often do, which is ditch the errands and head out on the open highway.  Bishop Hill on a sunny day sounds wonderful, so off we went even though I didn't have a map with me.  Mistake.  I tried to write down the directions from my daughters phone (yes, I am as antique as my merchandise, I do not have a smart phone and rely on my kids at times like these)--now I must explain that she does have a smart phone, but with limited data, so I couldn't just keep the screen up.  Directions to Bishop Hill go something like this:  turn right, go 3 ft, turn left, back track, go 3 miles turn right, go 6 miles, turn left, spin around, close your eyes, make one thousand more turns and just know you are lost.  I stopped at a gas station to ask for help and this actually happened.  The young clerk said she grew up in Bishop Hill but couldn't remember how to get there.  Fortunately, an older woman overheard and told us to just get back on the highway and keep going until we saw the sign pointing us to Bishop Hill.  I'll be damned if it didn't work.

By that time, it was 3:30 in the afternoon, and I know Sweet Annie's usually closes at 4.  We hadn't had lunch, and it was getting ugly.  Finally we found the town and SURPRISE!  Antique show!  It was about over, but the dealers were happy to stay and let us shop, wonderful prims helped my mood immensely.

I do adore Bishop Hill, but there is not a thing to eat once the bakery closes, and we were still hangry.  We decided to stop at a casino to eat, thinking the fancy steak restaurant would be just the thing.  Of course, they told us it would be a one hour wait, and we ended up having BLT's in the cafe.  James won $10 from a slot machine, and that was that.  

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