Tuesday, August 15, 2017

And So This is Christmas

It has been a terrible week and it is only Tuesday.  This is a long story, just to let you know.

My husband got an insane idea that his father could live with us instead of in a nursing home.  I emptied my craft room as it is the only bedroom on the first floor for this purpose.  Thank goodness I stopped the madness after meeting with the home health care workers though--he needs an around the clock nurse, which I am not (we are talking heavy lifting and bathroom duties that are not on my skills list), and he is also a grumpy old man, were I to be nice about it.  If I wasn't going to be nice, I'd say he is a mean old @#$%*.  Anyway, plans changed, but with the room empty, husband has new brilliant idea to make me crazy--take out the ugly indoor/outdoor carpet in the room.  Ugly carpet was glued to the nice oak strip floor.  Can't choke the people who did it, but do have to spend hours on knees scraping off glue.  It is a truly awful job and in the meantime, craft crap and antiques that usually get piled up in craft room are all over the house--some in closets, some in attic, most cluttering up my dining room.  I can't find anything.

If that weren't enough, he also decided now was the time to get rid of ugly carpet upstairs.  Glad to have it gone, but more dirt, staples to pull out of oak floors, oak floors need stripping and varnishing and then there is moving all the furniture out of the bedrooms to do it.  This is the remodeling that I really hate!

What is there left to do but unpack the Christmas goods that I have ready.  Here are a few:

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