Thursday, May 31, 2018

Don't Tell Me Not to Paint Something Blue

One of the irritating persons criticizing me told me to quit painting things blue.  So of course, I painted everything I could get my hands on blue.  Note the pretty blue bowl in the background--a birthday gift from my husband and the paint is old!  It is the first original blue paint bowl I ever had.

I thought I was seeing things this morning when I saw I had 25 items to ship--they were all little photo tins, but still, it was quite a thrill to get out the bubble wrap.  I also sold the huge pastry board, so things are looking up at last.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

A Few Sales and the Jerks are Back

The weekend brought a few sales, yay!  It also brought back the jerks who like to complain about what I am selling.  I will never, no never ever understand who has time to peruse eBay and take time out just to insult a seller.  If you don't like it, why are you even looking?  Go look at things you like, ignore the things you don't, it is so simple!  This weekend's selection were people telling me they hated what I did and wanted instructions on how to rip off my changes.  Just go buy from someone else, jeez!  It is so obvious anyway that they aren't in the least interested in purchasing and changing it, they just want to bitch at me--if they really wanted to change it, they would just do it.  Rant over for the time being, I am sure someone will get to me again soon.

Here are some new things I ruined, just because I can.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Well That Didn't Work

In desperation, I reopened my facebook business page, thinking maybe it would be good advertising.  I put up a bunch of photos and shared listings, told stories, sang songs....nothing but crickets.  Discouraging to say the least.  My next ploy is an eBay sale.  It has never worked in the past, so not expecting it to help this time either, but at least I feel like I am doing something.

Here are a few things that are seeing red in the meantime:

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Sales Drought Still Causing Sighs

It seems like years since I made a sale, although it has only been seven days.  I know graduation time is always like this, but that is not helping me at all and I am convinced I will never sell another thing.  I do have new things to list even so...

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

My Bedroom Oasis Realized

I must say, this is the best before and after I have ever accomplished.  This doesn't even look like the same room!  It has been two months of unbelievably hard work, but I think I got it right.  I have a few small additions to make and hope to have a look at the entire room soon.  Now I am going to go pat myself on the back.

Here we are with the before "murder room":

and after, the blue and white happy place--click on the picture and it will show up larger.

Friday, May 11, 2018

And the Ironstone Curse Continues....

See this little guy?  He is a tiny little pitcher I am selling for next to nothing, I am calling him a toy pitcher--he would barely hold a tablespoon of cream.  Is anyone interested in purchasing?  Oh, no, but one of the insufferable busybodies that seem to haunt eBay these days is on a crazy rant to make me call it a diner creamer and not a toy.  Why do they care?  Why are they sending me nasty notes?  I was professional and pleasant and disagreed with them.  They ranted more.  I responded "whatever".

I am now awaiting the next vicious attack.

Again, I must ask the question of why when sales are so slow do I get all the crazies?

Thursday, May 10, 2018

A Clean Sweep

I love wrapping up old whisk brooms in calico--ok, I love wrapping up anything in calico, but that is another matter.  A couple of years ago, I could hardly keep brooms in stock, but the craze has settled down a bit.  I still love them though, and had fun dressing these up.  I think they may be my favorites of all time.

Here is a closeup of the light blue brooms:

I did these feedsack versions a while back, they got a new photo session

Travels in Iowa -- Stringtown Grocery

I am lucky to live just a few miles from the Mennonite village of Kalona, we go there at least once a week.  There is the Iowa Farmhouse store and Sister's Garden on the way there.  There is the Kalona Chocolate factory and the Tuscan Moon restaurant once you get there, along with several good antique shops.  It is pretty and quaint, I love seeing the horses and buggies. It is really a step back in time after school, as you see all the kids walking home with their books held together with a leather strap--it looks just like Little House on the Prairie.  In addition to all this, there is Stringtown Grocery, where I go to buy all my flowers.  Here is a little photo tour of the greenhouse...

Monday, May 7, 2018

Weekend Travels Bishop Hill Illinois

Spring finally arrived and it is green, hurrah!  Spring actually lasted about 3 days this year, and now it appears that it is summer--80 plus temps already.  After being cooped up so long this winter, I finally got my day in the sun and we drove over to Bishop Hill for the grand re-opening of Sweet Annies.  I'm not sure what sect built Bishop Hill, but it was one of those communal living experiments that ended quickly, but the beautiful buildings have survived and best of all, one houses the amazing primitive shop, Sweet Annies.

Before you even enter the shop, the outside beckons with beautiful things.

Inside, it is cabin primitive all the way, a collection of first rate antiques and handmade wares.

I don't have a clue what I would do with this old barrel, but the blue paint was too gorgeous!

Once through the shop, more magic awaits in the back yard...

This is the back porch.

A fitting last photo is this pretty blue heart.

Friday, May 4, 2018

In the Pink

I think it only took about 6 weeks to get Grace's floor finished--results are so pretty though.  Grace is an old soul, if you met her you would think you were talking to a 40 year old.  She is petite and sassy and often dressed in black, which makes her choice of décor a surprise to many--pink and more pink!

Here is a photo of her bedroom when we bought the house--yes, it was a closet.

We ripped out all the closet stuff right away and painted the room pink, but just got around to removing hideous carpet recently.  Of course, the wood floors would be patched with plywood underneath ugly carpet, so my husband replaced the missing wood and we painted, since it was so mismatched.  I do love the results:

This is an anime portrait her sister drew of her

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Farmhouse Whites

I am being stern with myself "Ma'am, just step away from the blue paint..."  So, what do I do?  Absence of color!  I went off to white world, but had to put blue in the background of the photographs.  When I finished the whites, I did start playing with red calicos, and that got me started with some red paint.  I might do green next...

I am still waiting for husband to put the trim down.  Trying not to tap my foot impatiently.

EBay is still sloooooow.  I am still answering dozens of "measure this" requests and they still haven't bought one damn thing.  I sold a few auction items that were never paid for and it is so frequent now that I am surprised when they do pay.  Heavy sigh.