Monday, May 7, 2018

Weekend Travels Bishop Hill Illinois

Spring finally arrived and it is green, hurrah!  Spring actually lasted about 3 days this year, and now it appears that it is summer--80 plus temps already.  After being cooped up so long this winter, I finally got my day in the sun and we drove over to Bishop Hill for the grand re-opening of Sweet Annies.  I'm not sure what sect built Bishop Hill, but it was one of those communal living experiments that ended quickly, but the beautiful buildings have survived and best of all, one houses the amazing primitive shop, Sweet Annies.

Before you even enter the shop, the outside beckons with beautiful things.

Inside, it is cabin primitive all the way, a collection of first rate antiques and handmade wares.

I don't have a clue what I would do with this old barrel, but the blue paint was too gorgeous!

Once through the shop, more magic awaits in the back yard...

This is the back porch.

A fitting last photo is this pretty blue heart.

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