Thursday, October 25, 2018

Christmas Workshop Open, Nervous Breakdown Commencing

There are trees and jingle bells strewn over every surface in my house.  The pile of antiques needing the attention of my paint brush has grown to mountainous proportions.  The finished goods are sitting on all the chairs in the living room waiting for me to have time to photograph and list them.   Sooooo, here is what I do have photographed and now to run off to list them...

Friday, October 12, 2018

New Items to List

Just a few things I need to get in to the shop...

Monday, October 8, 2018

Family Week Here at the House

I have been hosting family reunions all week, culminating in large family dinner in Clarinda, lots of noise and fun and boy am I tired.  I had put off finishing the guest room and of course everything went wrong as I tried to finish it before every one arrived.  We ended up with a one coat of new paint room with a clean bed at midnight the night they got here.  I have to go back and finish painting and touching up the floor, never ending work.  I have one more get together this weekend, so still much to do.

I have the week to myself, so will be busy listing everything I didn't have time to get to before the barrage of guests.

We begin with a close-up for Linda:

Next, I did a big batch of chambray blues:

and a few more blues....

and just a few more blues....