Monday, October 8, 2018

Family Week Here at the House

I have been hosting family reunions all week, culminating in large family dinner in Clarinda, lots of noise and fun and boy am I tired.  I had put off finishing the guest room and of course everything went wrong as I tried to finish it before every one arrived.  We ended up with a one coat of new paint room with a clean bed at midnight the night they got here.  I have to go back and finish painting and touching up the floor, never ending work.  I have one more get together this weekend, so still much to do.

I have the week to myself, so will be busy listing everything I didn't have time to get to before the barrage of guests.

We begin with a close-up for Linda:

Next, I did a big batch of chambray blues:

and a few more blues....

and just a few more blues....

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