Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Of Course I Have a Sore Throat

I think I get sick every year at this time,  when I can least afford to be.  I have been working non stop on getting the Christmas goods made.  I think I got a late start this year, it was so hot forever, it didn't seem like Christmas was even going to happen.  Then, bam!  No fall, just straight to winter and freezing to death and now it is almost Thanksgiving and my house is a mess, time to think about putting up lights and garlands and who knows when there will be time.  When I came up for air out of the workshop and realized how close Christmas is, the instant fretting started because sales seem to be slumping again.  These are supposed to be prime shopping days and they aren't.  I am selling, but never as much as I think I should.  I cannot believe my inventory is going to get to 700 items for sale--I used to struggle to keep 100 items listed.   Fret, fret, fret.

In facebook world, I don't know what is going on.  I used to post things I was making and I would get at least 30 to 40 reactions, lots of comments, so there seemed to be a point to sharing.  Any more, I maybe get 2 people reacting.  Does this mean facebook is not sharing my posts?  Are my posts just boring and nobody cares?  I wish I knew.  

Now to switch to the positive, I do love my new creations.  I'd put them all in my house, and that is good, because it looks like they might just stay here...

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