Thursday, December 20, 2018

I Want EBay Smoted, I Want Them Smoted Good

The bastards at eBay have made my store disappear right at the height of selling season and I want someone's head to roll.  Many heads rolling would be even better.  After I spent the week rushing to list as many items as I could, staying up late to get it done, leaving important things in my life undone just to be sure I was able to sell a few things.  They tell me it is a technical glitch and could take a week to fix.  Insert every bad word you know right here and that would be a good example of what I would like to be writing right now.

Anyone out there that wants to purchase something, just email me from the link to the right--it seems my only hope.

I just finished these cute red and green numbers.  Too bad no one will see them.

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