Friday, January 18, 2019

A Blue Re-do

It has been almost a week with zero sunshine, typical Iowa January.  Tonight is supposed to be snowmaggedon, it will be quite interesting to see if the storm lives up to the media hysteria about it.  There was finally enough light to go out on the porch and take photos--and I did the human popsicle thing and took 353 photos.  That was two hours out there, my fingers are still barely working.  Part of the photographs were new views of some old blue merchandise, and about half were the new things I just finished.

Here are the re-takes:

Some people count sheep at night to go to sleep, I think about what I can use as a background in my photographs.  Last weeks wakeful night resulted in thinking of making a nest of Spanish moss with egg gourds to put in old ironstone.  I'm kind of obsessed with thinking about adding eggs to everything now, we shall see if I get it done--looks very Pinterest-y in my imagination.

My two new milk paint colors are grainsack and artissimo blue, I think they are quite pretty.


  1. You really do have the gift of paint Elaine.... Love the new colors...and your finishes.... I have a “nest and egg” thing too....have for a long while already. Maybe it has something to do with the bird names. ;-). Hope you have dug out from the snow.... Ours is starting tomorrow....but won’t be that much by our standards....only about 6”. Have a great week ahead.... Robin

  2. I do think you have to love robin's egg blue if you are a Robin!
