Thursday, March 14, 2019

I Hope You Saw Her Petticoat, Six Inches Deep in Mud

I do love a Jane Austen reference.  That line was all I could think of as I finally got to go out for a walk this week.  The melting of the ice made it possible to walk, but also turned into huge mud puddles that turned my jeans (the modern day petticoat) into water wicks and I was soaked at the end.  Still, it was so good to get out and move and not be frozen.

I put together a few more primitives before I go back to adding red into the mix.  I am of course working on blues too...


  1. I have cross-stitched a few Jane Austen quotes. Love them!
    Great offerings!

    1. I hadn't thought about cross stitching them, now you give me an idea!

  2. Ha the reference....and so apropos... Seems that we are having similar weather....2 or 3 days of melting (yay!) and flooding (not so yay).... Stay dry...and creative! Robin
