Sunday, April 14, 2019

Brightening Things Up with French Blue, Spring Green and Tomato Red

I have been painting away, using some new colors.  The first group is milk paint called French Enamel, I love it!  It is a bit bluer than robin's egg, but still has a hint of green.

This next group was done with chalk paint in white and a green called Celery, I think they look very springlike.

and last, we have cheery red and white, inspired by the red granite lid I found at a tag sale--it fit this big old crock, so I painted it to match.


  1. Perfect colours! How did you paint the lid to look so authentic?! What is the brand of milk paint? I love that blue 😊

    1. Oh, it is the crock that I painted, the lid is real graniteware. I just started using Miss Mustard Seed milk paint, she has very pretty colors. I also love her blog, she shows all her furniture projects that she does using all her products. I'm not sure of the web address, but Miss Mustard Seed as a search will get you there.

  2. Fun spring colors....they all look so fresh and bright, but I have to say, the red is my favorite....that cake crock is adorable! ~Robin`
