Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Darkness in the Primitive World

I finally got my Halloween goods photographed today and am off to list tonight.  I have also decided to do two Clarinda craft shows this fall.  My optimistic self is planning beautiful displays and getting all excited about what I can create in the next month.  My pessimistic self is being uncharacteristically quiet.  I am still pretty sure I will be back here next month saying "but no one came to the show!"  

The reason for the shows is this:  we have a downtown building that we re-roofed and gutted when we bought it, but then life got in the way and nothing else got done.  The city got all pissy about it needing paint, so James has been working on weekends, putting in windows and scraping paint.  Since we have to be there anyway, I figured I might as well make my $5 profit.  Here is the building in progress (the one with James on the ladder):

Here is a little bit of blackness:

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