Friday, October 25, 2019

Some Early Blue Calico

I scored a tattered late 1800s blue quilt that I have spent the last week taking apart to get at all the lovely faded blue calico.  This meant everything gets blue calico added, I think it is some of my finest work.

I need the soothing blues, I had two ridiculous returns this week, one, a $250 bread board that they said "rocked" when they tried to use it.  Why in the H-E-double hockey sticks are you USING a $250 bread board?  Go get a $10 board at Walmart, these early boards are for display.  The second is another of the "I had no idea the item you listed with the title "SMALL" and the description, "this is very small, 4" tall" would actually be small.  I expected a full size item."  What is wrong with people?

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