Sunday, August 23, 2020

I Still Got Nothing

 Let's start with the old corona update.  Iowa is supposed to be a hot spot for the virus, but life seems to be going on somewhat normally.  Husband still treating and curing all his patients, and word is out that he is the one to come to see.  He has people driving over an hour to get to his clinic, not even sure how they find out, but he is busy.  We are all fine so far.  My eldest daughter just started a job in retail and both daughters are supposed to go to college this week.  Lots of rumors that they are going to go online and we are all pretty frustrated.  A good friend of theirs just moved into a dormitory, they have to wear masks, no parties, no dining hall, just order food and eat it in the room.  I am certain there will be outbreaks at the college, but I don't think stopping education and social interaction is the answer at all, especially when there are treatments that truly work.  Part of me wants to cancel facebook and avoid all the angst, but the stubborn part of me thinks I need to stay and present a different point of view.  I have been livid about the defund the police movement and have been trying to make myself heard.  Mostly feel like I have been ignored, especially after a few people argued with me and I think I took them down rather nicely.  Probably been unfriended more that I know.  I am really worried as I live in an ultra liberal town and I fear they will bend to the demands of the mob and destroy the town.  The protesters have been blocking streets here, we have had several incidents of cars trying to drive through and getting jumped on.   Not as bad as Portland, but the possibility is there.  

Oh, I should also mention that I went to the What Cheer flea market a month ago and spent 6 hours on two separate days walking the market, where there were no masks and no social distancing.  No cases reported from the market, so just another interesting fact that makes no sense.

I continue busy with the shop, here is what I am listing tonight:


  1. I'm not sure about your area but where I live it's the migrant workers on the farms that are shooting the numbers up. the general public here at least has not been hit BUT...we all wear masks. It's law, one can not go into a public place without one. Also, if your in any way sick, stay home.
    Our places of work do temp checks the minute you walk in, if your at all with a fever you are sent to the nearest testing centre.

    Our country has taken this over the top serious and that has resulted in a flattening. Ontario sees about 100 cases a day, and we have been open for over a month.

    The U.S is not doing good, no matter how you look at it and to walk around not taking heed is really arrogant. It's like the smoker smoking 2 packs and then is surprised and angry when they get cancer!
    Those people are making people like your husband work harder..yes you make money from their illness but if your husband was an inner city doctor can you imagine the impact this would have in him?

    Be grateful this isn't impacting you in such a negative and tragic way...things can change in a heartbeat.

    1. I don't know quite how to respond to this. My husband has been seeing coronavirus patients every day for 6 months. He has made house calls to sick patients. We have all been at risk every damn day from contracting this. He doesn't make more money by seeing these patients. I am more than a little pissed off by your assumption of arrogance or risking life to save people as a way to make money. Fuck you.

  2. I hear ya my friend....and anyone who calls those of us who disagree with the scandemic mentality "arrogant" are the pathetically arrogant ones in my book. They seem to think their mindset...and the brainwashing that begot the only correct one. Our pathetic state has a mandatory mask order as well...and I am not saying the virus is not "real" because I know it is....but the majority of respectable research out there concludes the masks aren't effective...especially the way most misuse them. And living inside a bubble, isn't going to "fix" anything. For how long will we be required to wear them? As long as there is a single person testing positive?? It will be forever then. And I am high risk...I inject a biologic that suppresses my immune system, and I still say this. I think it is arrogance...and selfishness...that allows so many to judge those of us who think otherwise.... Cut off their access to online goods, groceries, take-out, and yes, police protection should they need it, and they would scream bloody murder. I have rambled too long, and my apologies...but please know you are not alone Elaine. I, too, have lost many "acquaintances" and even family over this...but I will not be cowed into silence or group-think. Hugs ~Robin~

    1. Bless you Robin. Interesting tidbit, husband had 2 positive coronavirus patients today that have been isolated at home for months, never venture out without a mask, and still they got it. Masks are such a false sense of security. Anyway, if the rona gets you, make sure you are treated early--azithromycin and zinc have stopped it cold in all his early cases. There are many treatments for more severe cases as well, and they are doing their job. Thank you for backing me up!
