Saturday, September 11, 2021

My Latest Creations



  1. I just found your blog and have so enjoyed looking at your photos! Such creative ideas you have. I was just about to give away some wooden clothespins and then I saw your little dolls, so I guess I will be keeping the pins and trying that craft myself. I hope you don't mind me using your ideas for inspiration. I make some kind of ornament for family members each Christmas and I need inspiring! My own blog is terribly outdated, I have neglected it for so long....

    1. Oh, I always get inspiration from what other people are doing, I love Pinterest! For the dolls, I put a little bit of polyfil over the head of the pin, then tie a little square of muslin over that to make the head. I gather a little piece of calico for the dress and fold another square of calico into the bonnet. I got some tiny little crosses at Hobby Lobby to make necklaces too. I love doing them!
