Thursday, November 18, 2021

Back to the Christmas Workshop Madness

 Crazy busy, so many orders to ship, so that is good.  I can hardly walk through my workshop, which is now the upstairs hallway, there are half-finished projects strewn everywhere.  Fortunately for me, I over-bought supplies last year, because EVERYTHING is impossible to find unless I want to pay a premium.  My wholesale supplier has "out of stock" on every craft item I need, and it has been that way for 2 months.  Jingle bells are especially hard to find.  Again, last year, I bought about 500 tiny rusty bells, I think it cost me $9.  I found one person selling them--the cost for 500?  $40!!!!  And I thought the price of steak was insane.  Here is a group of things I finished with my precious hoard of bells.


  1. Cute, cute, cute, Elaine! I'm glad a set of your blocks and one of your cut-outs is headed my way. ;-) ~Robin~ (PS...curious about the block in the last photo...I may be being obtuse (been a long day), but what does it say???)

    1. I am so glad they are off to a good home! The last block is Gothic script alphabet, I think it is a U.
