Friday, August 5, 2022

Hot Summer Days at the Flea Market

What Cheer, Iowa has several flea markets every year and we attend most.  The weather is often just horrible, hot and humid or pouring rain or early frostiness in the fall.  One never to be forgotten day, we were out in the sunny hot field when a storm came out of seemingly nowhere.  We ran to the nearest building and got inside just as lightning struck near the door.  Winds came up and I was sure we were goners.  The girls were 10 and 13 and I told them to hang on to me and not let go if the roof came off.  Fortunately, the tornado skipped over us, every thing back to calm as fast as it went wild.  All the poor dealers in the field had their goods flown about and flooded.  It really was a miracle that no one was hurt.

This weekend, the weather is amazingly beautiful and the market had so much good stuff to buy.  I took this picture where a dealer had all these wonderful ladders propped up by the cornfield. 

This is my unpacked booty, and when I will find time to clean, sort, paint and beautify everything, I do not know.  I think it is about 5 miles of walking through the market and it was hard work to do it!  So, here I sit with one million projects and ignoring them all to write this.

I did get some photos done today and have so much listing to do.  Sales still very uneven--I go from thinking I will sell everything to worrying that I am selling nothing--a crazy business.

and last but not least, a picture of my black-eyed Susan filled garden



  1. I can't remember when I last went to a flea market...oh how I miss them. Nice hail by the looks of it. Your black-eyed Susan's are gorgeous! -Robin

    1. I let the garden go wild this year and it was a good idea. It was all planted with perennials by the former owner and they all look like weeds to me until they bloom, so I had been wasting my time "weeding" the flowers that I didn't know were flowers. The Susans are glorious this year!
