I can't tell you how much better I feel seeing your kind comments, immediately thought of my mom, Madylene, who always told me a sorrow shared is a sorrow halved, she was so right! My mom had a somewhat difficult life and still remained always optimistic. I remember her telling me when I asked about what it was like being a child during the depression, always struggling to make ends meet, she seemed surprised, "Oh, honey, the good things always outweighed the bad." In grade school, when I swear the school system was determined to have a generation prone to nightmares with the constant showing of educational films on nuclear war, I was freaking out just a bit at the thought, she calmed me right down, told me no one can predict the future, so the best thing to do is enjoy the day you are living right now. Wasn't I lucky to be the daughter of such a woman? One more thing, she could make pancakes look like teddy bears and snowmen and sharks all free-form pancake batter pouring!
I'm adding some pretty pictures to enjoy, love of flowers and old crusty things turned beautiful is another gift from my mom.