Wednesday, March 29, 2023



I am listing a bunch of early toys....

Monday, March 27, 2023

Spring Creations

 I should have finished Easter things a month ago, but continue on my journey to finish late.  I have sold a few things already, and I do like what I did get finished.  Have a few more things in mind, but quite sure they will not get done.  Spring stress is here with tax time, crazy weather, crazy country, crazy times.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Collecting Reds

 I put together some red things for a little change...

Grace did the winter sampler for me two months ago and I just got it framed, just in time for spring.  Winter has been pretty uneventful, knock on wood.  My cousin lives in Lake Tahoe and is trying to dig out from 8 FEET! of snow.  I can't even imagine.  It was even 60 degrees here yesterday.  Right back to winter today though. 

My husband had to work last Saturday morning, got home at 2 and we hopped in the car to drive an hour over to Geneseo for the antique mall.  It was not a wasted trip--I spent $500!  Here are a few of the nice things I found:

I got the platter idea from Pinterest, love it so much