Thursday, March 2, 2023

Collecting Reds

 I put together some red things for a little change...

Grace did the winter sampler for me two months ago and I just got it framed, just in time for spring.  Winter has been pretty uneventful, knock on wood.  My cousin lives in Lake Tahoe and is trying to dig out from 8 FEET! of snow.  I can't even imagine.  It was even 60 degrees here yesterday.  Right back to winter today though. 

My husband had to work last Saturday morning, got home at 2 and we hopped in the car to drive an hour over to Geneseo for the antique mall.  It was not a wasted trip--I spent $500!  Here are a few of the nice things I found:

I got the platter idea from Pinterest, love it so much

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