Sunday, September 10, 2023


There are times when I go in search of antiques in America and come up empty handed.  Then, there are times like these when there are so many flea markets and antique shows and the shops seem very well stocked, at least until I show up and take it all home to add to the pile.  I recently told my husband I didn't have any money left, and he looked at me like there were radishes growing out of my ears because I have been shipping about 20 items every day.  I had to explain that while I am selling hundreds of dollars of merchandise, I am buying thousands of dollars in merchandise.  I seriously can barely get to my computer and work table because there are Cat in the Hat piles of bowls and firkins and boxes filled with old tin, all needing to be transformed.  My music room is now the hoarders nest, the dining room has things lined up around the walls and I have to clear a place for us to eat every single night.  Although we cleared out the Clarinda house a year ago, I just now was able to go through a few of the boxes we stuffed in the attic, so much more left to deal with.  We also have the husband's parents home to clear out and it is getting stacked on the front porch and in the garage.  I feel like all I do is fill up the trailer, go to the landfill and dump stuff where ever we can find a bare spot.  Not liking it at all.  With too much to do and not enough time to do it, how did I spend last night?  Went to the casino at 7, looked up from the slot machine to find that it was now 2 am.  I don't even know how that happened, but I can still see spinning reels when I close my eyes.  Of course, I won a lot, and of course I lost it all, but it was fun at least.

The latest dark and spooky items that I have managed to create amongst the chaos:


  1. Somehow I can relate to your feelings of being overwhelmed - even though I have not bought anything, nor been antiquing/junking in many, many, moons. And chaos puts me so out of sorts...and then it festers and seems to compound, you know? The casino run sounds like great fun. I used to go fairly regularly but it's another place I haven't been to in years. Changes in relationship status has left me with no casino-goers in my (small, small) circle. Love your new creations to pieces. ~Robin~

    1. Thank you! The chaos just keeps coming, doesn't it? I know about the small circles too. As the world seems to be at our fingertips, I think we contract a little into our corners.
