Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Flour and Feed Sack Week at Catspaw

It is not often that I get an idea and immediately implement it, sometimes it is years between the "I can turn that into this" stage and the completed product. This week was different, I started seeing flour sacks that I hadn't noticed in antique shops before and saw pillows and rolling pin and breadboard covers and actually turned them into that right away, a crafting miracle. Here are a few of the pillows, they will range in price from $25 for smaller pillows, to $38 for the great big guys like these.


  1. Looks like a bunch of old fashion goodness!
    They all look great!

  2. Love them! Whenever I got to Springfield there is this couple who has a booth with thousands of feed sacks for super cheap! Maybe next time I'll pick up a few and make some porch pillows!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  3. I love the Bee and Abe ones!Warm Blessings!~Amy

  4. How much are the bee and abe ones? Wanda
