Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine Schmalentine

I have to admit I am not a big fan of Valentines Day, starting in grade school when romance was just yucky, into the horrors of teenagedom when romance was agonizing, on to real romance and marriage as an adult when it just seems crazy to have one day that your significant other is required to spend too much money on flowers and try to get impossible reservations. I much prefer everyday surprises that don't have to come on a certain day as required by the Hallmark Company, such as having a long day and really not wanting to cook dinner and being whisked off for sizzling rice soup at the Hunan, or being gifted with some wonderful antique just because he thought I'd like it. Every year, my husband asks "Are you sure you don't like Valentines Day or are you just saying that?" As I told my good friend, I remain the girl who will take a dough bowl over a diamond any day.

My valentines day was spent sorting through feed and flour sacks and stitching them up into some lovely surprises that I think my customers will love. I made some great porch pillows, the girls having a great time stuffing them with pine shavings for me (we may never get all the sawdust chips picked up), my favorite project was a breadboard wrapped in a blue checkerboard Purina sack, photos coming soon. In the meantime, this is the little bit I have photographed so far for listing.

1 comment:

  1. Hubby bought me my bishops floor lamp for V Day/our anniversary! I love it more than flowers and it'll last A LOT longer!
