Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding Day and Iowa Primitives

For unknown reasons, I was just wide awake at 4 am, so just got up and watched the wedding, a nice little break from the trials and tribulations of the real world. Once the happy couple was off to the reception, I finished up a bunch of projects, especially this sugar sack extravanganza, they are my favorites for the week, hope to list on Sunday. Still trying to figure out the link to the store thing, but for non ebay people, I am 6stringbluesman (might have to actually learn to play or change from my husbands ebay id!). Now, I am ready to go to bed at 4 pm....

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Cure For the Blues in Kalona

It has been a long long week here, decided to try to put the house back on the market in the slightest chance there's a buyer out there somewhere. This involves packing up all our excess baggage to make the place show well, no easy task when 2 packrats marry and raise 2 packrat children. Between the Barbies and the dough bowls, there isn't much floor space around here. This exhausting and seemingly impossible task combined with a cold dreary week of rain brought the down in the dumps give myself a pity party blues. I was grouching around yesterday and decided I should take a break and go see what Kalona had for the shop. Instant cheerup, the new prims dealer there had moved upstairs and filled her little corner with the most amazing things, many ready for sale now, and a big stack of smaller bowls that will paint up so pretty. I've got my photos done, just need to take a walk and get the groceries before I chain myself to the computer for the duration~!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Feedsacks Are Back!

I finally got around to some feedsacking crafts again, these will be in the 15 to 30 dollar range, so easier on the pocketbook, still darn cute. I'm finishing up a wonderful breadboard sleeve and a big old kitchen tin with more sugar and flour sacks, should have those soon. I'm also working on a 1940s cherry red kitchen group that I love a lot, it will look great with some flour sacking worked in here and there.

Spring has turned cold and gloomy here. I blame it on the fact that I threw caution to the wind and potted some basil and flowers last week. I had to bring all the pots inside this week, telling them all to be patient, I'll have them in the sun soon. If only I could convince myself....

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Le Jardin de Francais

Ok, it has been a LONG time since French 101, so don't yell at me if I spelled the title wrong! I got some antique French seed labels and some old spoons turned plant markers, so pretty, they are for menthe (mint), lavande (lavender), thym (thyme) and romarin (rosemary).

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I Don't Know, I Don't Think I Bought Enough Bread Boards...

I am always on the prowl for a good bread board, sometimes it will be months of going to antique malls, not a bread board in sight. Today, I went to Cedar Rapids to the Collector's Eye show and found "just a few". Some will stay as is, others are yelling "paint me!"

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Taking Pictures in the Daffodil Patch

Sat out in the daffodil patch for photos this morning, very cheery results. Most of these are a bit expensive, but they really are outstanding prims, all original paints, gorgeous.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dining Al Fresco

Ah, spring in Iowa....Sunday was 82 degrees and so humid, I finally shut up the house and turned the air conditioner on for a bit. I woke up Monday morning, it was 29 degrees and so windy we were back to winter coats and gloves. Today, beautiful 60 and sunny and we had lunch out on the deck, curry chicken salad, my kid's favorite. (one Top Chef episode had the judges commenting that children would not like curry, silly people who have no children apparently).

Here's the easy and delicious recipe:

I buy a whole roasted chicken from my organic grocery, they are cheap and wonderful!

I pull all the meat I can get off the chicken, shred or chop it up and chill it. Add in chopped celery, lots of grapes, mayonnaise and curry powder to taste (I just keep adding until it is right). YUM!

I did a few blues yesterday, pretty, pretty!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring is Really Here!

Not only is it warm enough to ditch the gloves and hats, no coats necessary!~ The daffodils are blooming, lilacs budding, robins all over the place, what a relief. Here are some sunny side antiques on the way to the store this week.