Sunday, April 24, 2011

Cure For the Blues in Kalona

It has been a long long week here, decided to try to put the house back on the market in the slightest chance there's a buyer out there somewhere. This involves packing up all our excess baggage to make the place show well, no easy task when 2 packrats marry and raise 2 packrat children. Between the Barbies and the dough bowls, there isn't much floor space around here. This exhausting and seemingly impossible task combined with a cold dreary week of rain brought the down in the dumps give myself a pity party blues. I was grouching around yesterday and decided I should take a break and go see what Kalona had for the shop. Instant cheerup, the new prims dealer there had moved upstairs and filled her little corner with the most amazing things, many ready for sale now, and a big stack of smaller bowls that will paint up so pretty. I've got my photos done, just need to take a walk and get the groceries before I chain myself to the computer for the duration~!

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