Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Feedsacks Are Back!

I finally got around to some feedsacking crafts again, these will be in the 15 to 30 dollar range, so easier on the pocketbook, still darn cute. I'm finishing up a wonderful breadboard sleeve and a big old kitchen tin with more sugar and flour sacks, should have those soon. I'm also working on a 1940s cherry red kitchen group that I love a lot, it will look great with some flour sacking worked in here and there.

Spring has turned cold and gloomy here. I blame it on the fact that I threw caution to the wind and potted some basil and flowers last week. I had to bring all the pots inside this week, telling them all to be patient, I'll have them in the sun soon. If only I could convince myself....

1 comment:

  1. Could you please put a link to your ebay or seeling page??? I would love to look but cannot find you...Thanks so much.
