Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Well, the URL for my store certainly has a ridiculously long string of words and numbers, but by golly, it really does link to my ebay store.  I am also taking the time to update my blog list and check out what everyone is doing, finally added Deppen Homestead, meaning to forever, and I must say, always love an update on the kitties, but that new store she has photos of, I think I am swooning!  I'm going to spend the afternoon just staring at those pictures, what a gorgeous shop. 

 I got the nicest surprise this morning, a little package of teas and seashells from England and some royal wedding stamps that I just love.  Karen, the purveyor of surprise package has a blog too, I'll be adding that in to my list today.

In my photo of today's nice things, I include an Ines Rosales sweet olive oil torta, the most delicious thing we've found on the planet.  I've walked by the beautiful display at our Bread Garden Market here in Iowa City and thought they looked lovely, but had never taken a chance to buy them.  I was reading Frances Mayes A Year in the World (she's the Under the Tuscan Sun lady), she's in Spain and stops to buy an Ines Rosales torta, so I say "why not?"  Just saying, if you've got them in your food shops, get them.  We got the sweet ones and are off to buy some savory today.

Now that I am finally getting around to taking care of blog business, I saw Simply Iowa is taking on Facebook, something I tried and never spent any time taking care of, maybe should go back and try try again, we'll see...


  1. Wow ....I went right to your Ebay store !!!! Everything looks so nice !!!!

  2. Glad to see the link to your Ebay store, Elaine. I knew your Ebay id, but by the time I'd get done with blog updates, I'd often forget to advance search you on Ebay and wouldn't you know it? The items I wanted had already disappeared! So...Yay! Smiles, Robin

  3. Any of those seed boxes left?? Gonna take a look at your ebay store too! Come visit me at my blog The Prim Colonial! Thanks for great inspiration! Beth

  4. Elaine~ Way to go~ I clicked on it & went right to your store!!!
    thanks for the nice comments~ the girls would just love my pumpking pie~ he is just a little baby~
    Goodies from Karen~
    enjoy the day~
