Thursday, May 19, 2011

Look What's For Dinner

Ebay business has slowed, giving me more time to cook and take care of other things that have been left to collect dust.     Well, ok, dust still being collected, but I am cooking.

Summertime is my favorite recipe season, vegetables straight from the garden is heaven on earth.  One of my best easy recipes for using the produce is pasta primavera, I have 2 simple and wonderful ways to make it.  First, just use whatever is ready at the time, right now tossing in some new peas and potatoes would be amazing!  I just picked up asparagus and onions and mushrooms for last night's dinner, pretty darn good.

The recipe No. 1:  Sautee veggies of choice in olive oil just a few minutes until tender, salt and pepper to taste.  Toss with pasta of choice, sprinkle with fresh parmesan and shredded fresh basil.  If it is tomato season, just chop up tomatoes and add cold and fresh on top.

The recipe No. 2:  Same as number one, but this time we add homemade alfredo sauce.  A very simple but one of the best alfredos I've ever had is to melt 1 stick of butter, add in 1 cup cream or half and half, cook and stir until the cream has warmed.  Start adding in grated parmesan a bit at a time, stirring until thick and cheese is mostly melted (total about 1 to 2 cups cheese, I just keep adding until it is the right thickness.)  Sprinkle generously with nutmeg and add to pasta and vegetables.  This makes a lot of sauce, enough to serve a large bowl of pasta to 8 or more (I think I've served up to 12 with this).  For the 4 of us, I use 1/2 stick of butter and 1/2 cup cream.

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