Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Could It BE Any Hotter?

Supposedly, the temperature is lower than last week, but I swear the thermometer is wrong, it is so unbearable out there!~ Despite the heat, I'm running outside to try to get some decent photos, and they are pretty. Here are a few of the large pastry boards I have listed, they look so pretty in the sunshine.


  1. My answer is Nope could not be any hotter~ I hate to complain, but I want to go outside & not feel like passing out from the heat~ I need it to be in the 70's~LOL~
    Beautiful items~ Wow that bonnet is an oldie!!!
    keep cool~

  2. Dear blog friend,
    I am trying to put together a bloggers board.
    This board would contain the name of the blog, the first name of the author ( last name, if you allow ) and birthday-- month and day only.
    Once I get this put together, I will email to all participants.
    If you know of others who would like to be listed, please give them my email address so I can add them.
    I just think it would be handy to know when our friends birthdays are so we can send them our best wishes.
    Those of you who have not yet sent me your address, please do. These will not be part of the blog board, but for my own personal address book. I like to send cards now and then.

  3. We are getting a little break from the stifling heat here in the northeast -- our temp will only reach 87 today..... Still too hot for this little girl to do anything outside! (I am in the 'warm years' of life, so I'm sweating even while sitting in the house with the a/c on!)
    Love the bonnet and the transferware -- you always find the best stuff. Love the crock I purchased from you a while ago. I will be back for more once we move into my grandmother's house that we are presently restoring.... It is a down-sizing move, so I have to be careful about how much stuff I bring in right now!
    Have a great day!

  4. Hi Elaine I was just wondering if the tins with the flour and whole ground coffee are still available? Dana

  5. That bonnet is some kind of awesome!! Love your Halloween wares too - but they seem to disappear before I even see them listed!!! We're enjoying pleasant weather here in Nod - high 70's....but severe weather is heading our way for the next couple of days....wish us luck! Wishing you cool breezes....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. Hi Elaine, I've been a follower of yours on ebay for years and just found out you have a blog thru Deppenhomestead. Love all your goodes...beautiful! ~Kriss~
