Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Million Dollar Bunny

What a week it has been, starting off with taking Scooter Pie to the vet because he/she (even the vet couldn't tell on little 1 lb. Scooter) had stopped eating and it is because her/his teeth had grown too long for chewing. Not really a million, but $200 scary enough, little guy had to be sedated and antibioticed and have the teeth trimmed. Next, we get to give this little bunny medicine twice a day, and you can imagine how much fun that is! You wouldn't believe how tiny the little dropper is. I think Scooter is doing better all ready, still not chewing his chew toys as needed to keep the teeth down, but eating real food again and putting on a few ounces.

We've spent the week watching the bunny nervously, dealing with the unbearable heat and I've been doing a lot of fall items, some ready for auction, lots more in the works.


  1. What a cute little thing! Pets sure are expensive -- we have spent a fortune on our's, trying to keep them happy and healthy..... My sister is quite sure she spends more money on her pets' health than she does on her own!

    That little bunny of your's is just darlin'.... and I'm glad to hear he is doing better and eating again.

    Love your Halloween Pantry Bottles! They are great.... Have a good week!

  2. That is the cutest dang bun-bun I ever did see!! Definitely worth a million!! ;o) (But I feel your pain!!) Love your new Halloween goodies!!! WooHoo!!! You KNOW what I like!! Have a great week! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. Scooter Pie is adorable, I hope he is feeling even better today!!

  4. Elaine
    It is worth the $ & time~ adorable little Scooter Pie~ I would not be able to resist him/her~( I have done the same$$$ on the animals, soft heart with the furballs!!!)

  5. Scooter pie is adorable .Glad that he is doing better.Hugs,Jen
