Saturday, September 3, 2011

Antique Insomnia

I went to Kalona yesterday, it was supposed to just be a quick trip to Barntiques to restock, but Nancy had some wonderful feedsacks and spice tins and the bowl I've been coveting and finally bought--I got all inspired and just headed on down the road to Sisters and the Kalona Antique Co. What a good idea, because everyone had stocked up on prims, and between Nancy's feedsacks and the great early prim buckets I found, I got this idea of wrapping up the buckets with stained feedsack and cheesecloth--we'll see how it works. I could not get to sleep, bucket visions swirling around, then I started thinking more about the feedsack pumpkins and what I want to do there, then had a dream about making pillows with pockets full of clothespegs--who dreams about clothespegs, I ask myself. In the meantime, I'm also off on a Christmas tangent, here are some old tin things that just looked so pretty on greenery...


  1. Elaine~ Pretty mustards~ Hmmm now I am wondering what you are up to with the feedsacks~ you sound like me dreaming~ I dream about everything~seems like some nights the old mind just won't stop~ giggles~
    have a wonderful weekend~

  2. Dream on Elaine....I love where it takes you! Have a wonderful holiday weekend! (Love the tinware!) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. I know what you mean about dreams, I try to wake up and write down what I was dreaming so that I remember it in the morning and can actually make it:)
    I Love your dreams!!!:) :)
