Monday, September 5, 2011

A Fine Mess

A few years ago, Martha Stewart allowed her show to film her very messy office, and ever since I have breathed a sigh of relief over my own disorganized work space. I do wish I was fibbing that decorating my own house often gets short shrift, but here it is, the proof! I have antique ADD, all excited about a project that I start, then oh, dear, look at that cute thing over there and what could I do with it! Sooo, my sink is always full of tins and bowls that need a scrub (always surprised at how many dealers miss that simple act of just taking the dust off), the shelves always covered with ebay stuff that needs a photograph, then there is the pie safe that we don't have room for, so it sits in the middle of the living room, its moving ropes still tied around it and it makes a handy place to put the ebay stuff. My couch usually covered with fabric, or as now, the freshly laundered feedsacks awaiting their fate...


  1. hi, Elaine
    I call that a mess of goodies~ What can I say love the mess the couch~ giggles even the re-motes~
    have a wonderful day

  2. Elaine - you gotta have the prettiest and neatest messes I've seen! Where are the dust bunnies and such??? And what - no room for that pie safe??? Think it looks just fine where she sits!! Hope today was good to you....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
