Sunday, October 30, 2011

Christmas in the Air

I have more Christmas auctions to start this evening, still plugging away at getting everything else listed. I wish I had something more interesting to say, but admit to being very boring these days!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Where To Begin?

As you can see, I have one million pieces to list, and this doesn't even make a dent in all the things that need to be spiffed up. I found these lovely bowls with dark patinas, so they will stay without paint, I really had good luck finding goods that just needed a little scrub, and more wonderful things that just need their milk paint. I am enjoying doing Christmas now, I never get tired of the red and green!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Antique Exhaustion

My checkbook and gas tank are both empty after this weekend. Saturday was a trip up to Anamosa to Gatherings, which always makes my heart beat faster. The Christmas displays are so beautiful and I could have just gone home with the whole store! On the way, we detoured through Stone City, where Grant Wood had a studio when he lived in Iowa. The photos are of a few spots there and a bit of the Iowa country side.

Today, I wore myself out at the Collector's Eye show in Cedar Rapids. It was primitive overload, I saw so many things I'd never seen before, but forgot to take the camera. One booth had little 4" round bread boards and a tiny little egg basket and eensiest butter stamps, all so early, so wonderful and SOOOO expensive. I sighed over the early textile booth with 1800s baby dresses of blue and red calico, all about 300 to 400 dollars each. I was able to shop well though, Polly Ann's had saved a box of tins and bowls and brooms for me, Colleen had wonders as always, and I spent a fortune at Country Love and another booth from Kewanee. It will take me a month to get everything cleaned and photographed and listed.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


I wasn't supposed to go anywhere this weekend, so of course, have barely been home a minute. Yesterday we trekked around Iowa City, visiting Decorum and Artifacts, today we were just going to check on an estate sale, but ended up in Cedar Rapids (well, actually, Marion, but they are attached). The antique pickings were pretty slim, had it chalked up as a wasted trip until we decided to go to Mt Vernon, and Polly Anns came through with a bunch of bread boards and bowls, I cheered up immediately. Well, day shot anyway, so why not keep going? We went to Monticello, found a ton more prim stuff, so much I can't even remember, then to Cascade, more bread boards more bowls. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed at what I've gotten myself into, but knew I had to get it while I found it, 6 months from now it will probably be back to the antique desert, wondering where they all are. Oh, if you need an antique frame, you should go to Polly Ann's! She took us on a tour of the work room and I tell you, I have never seen so many picture frames anywhere, not even in a frame shop!

Here are some little early originals I found. The honey dipper is so old and I just love it.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cheering Up

The sun is out, it isn't so hot anymore, and I've run one million errands in record time. Started the day with a trip to the art store, which smells just like art--all tempera paints and paper and clay, reminding me of my old art teacher days. We had to get the girls pen and ink just like Harry Potter, because we do all things Harry Potter these days. We tried to stop at Starbucks, but the line was snaking right out the door! Recession, reschmession, $5 coffee lives!

These are some more of my cabin goods, love the wool labels.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Working Hard on Gloomy Days

Kind of depressing around here, dark and gloomy and lonely. I am busy painting and listening to Harry Potter Goblet of Fire while I work, probably adding to the gloomy mood. I got these crocks ready, plus more dark browns, but it started raining again and stopped my photography session. Heavy sigh.

Monday, October 10, 2011

You Think I'd Be Used to This By Now

What a way to start the week. Open email to find mean missive that I need to quit ruining antiques. This is what offended them:

Now I have to go ruin some more stuff. I mixed up black and brown milk paint and destroyed antiques with abandon. Actually, the color is GORGEOUS, should have photos later, I found some really unusual mashers at What Cheer, they are so pretty now.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Blues Redux

Got a few more photos done today, redoing my indigo blues, I think they are so pretty.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Little Lamp

I can't believe I thought I had this all thought out, but the chimney is the wrong size! It fits over the wick, so will work, but should have a wider base.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday Drives In Iowa

We spent the day driving through the country, enjoying the corn fields and cows and horses. The What Cheer Flea Market was on, a huge difference from our last trip there, the day of the unbearable heat wave. Today was sunny and juuuuuust right. I feel a little guilty about taking the photo of the Amish family, but not guilty enough to not take the photo. Sunday, all the buggies were out for church and visiting, I hope they don't mind too much.