Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Decorating the Tiny House

Back home in Iowa City and finally got the tree decorated last night, had to move Anna's desk to find room for the tree, so she is squished in the corner for the season. I've had so much fun getting the girls Christmas presents, actually found some of Grace's impossible requests. When she was little, she swore all she wanted was a bucket of rubber fish to feed her stuffed penguins. Do you know buckets of rubber fish are rather hard to come by? This year, all she wants is Tom Riddle's diary, and I about screamed when I found a replica from Warner Brothers. Anna used to be so easy, just get anything with Princess Jasmine on it and you are set, but she has outgrown the princesses., Fortunately she has found Alice in Wonderland, so I got a really cool Mad Hatters tea party clock that runs backwards and a White Rabbit necklace. I think I may be more anxious now for Christmas to get here, can hardly wait to see their faces!

Tree up, Santas displayed and Christmas farm assembled. Note the very prim tree that still got the Princess treatment!


  1. Beautiful!! I love the little brooms and the paper mache eggs!

  2. Looks awesome. I love the Santas.

  3. Having 3 daughters (the youngest now 25 years old), I am all too familiar with "princess" everything!!! That stage went on for quite some time in our house!
    Your tree looks wonderful, and the princess tree is as cute as can be! I LOVE your vintage santas and snowmen.
    Just received an order from you which is fabulous, as always! Have a pleasant evening...

  4. You're way ahead of me girlfriend....no tree, and running out of Santa hats for my black cats and pumpkins! ;o) Love the snow box backdrop for your photos! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  5. Love your tree and the Santa's!Beautifulpics with the snow backdrop!Hugs,Jen

  6. Pretty decorating~ oh, my loving your snow~ I am at the point I want some~ not much just enough to make it feel like Christmas is on it's way~
