Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Political Kids

I've seen lots of videos on the internet where parents coach their kids to ask a politician a question, which just makes me sigh, but also very curious about what a real kid would really like to ask a politician. So, I did my own home survey and asked the girls if they could ask the president any question, what would it be, and must say I love the results. Anna "Mom, I would not want to ask the president anything." Me "It's only make believe, so just think about it." Anna, pauses and thinks, and finally "I guess I'd want to know what is the best thing about being the president, but really, I think it would be a lot more interesting to talk with his kids." Grace had no hesitation, she wants to ask "Do you have a hamster?" Now that is a great question that I would adore seeing at a town hall meeting.


  1. Elaine~ How sweet~ I love what their questions would be ~ yes,childrens questions,not an adult question given to a child to be asked~

  2. Hah! Too cute..... gotta love the little ones and what they're thinking.... These are the things children should be wondering about!!

  3. Ha ha ha, love your kids' questions...I never would have thought in the directions that they did.

    Kind of makes me miss having little ones around the house...


  4. Elaine~ the questions are great! I would be curious to hear the answers! Love all of your creations that you come up with. Have a great evening.

  5. I vote Grace For President!! ;o) (What a sweetheart!) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
