Sunday, March 18, 2012

And Now For Something Completely Different

Someone sent me an email with John Cleese's Alerts to Threats in Europe, which is one of those laugh out loud things--if I had the slightest idea how to paste it in here, I would, but will have to send you out to google it to read it. It brought me back the million years to high school, the first time they aired Monty Python on PBS back then. I remember I ran and got one of my sisters and told her she HAD to see this, it was the funniest show I'd ever seen. She got there just in time for a sketch about Sam Peckinpaw movies, where this beautiful Edwardian picnic turned into a bloodbath in the crazy Monty Python way of piano keys impaling people. My sister looked at me in horror, "HOW CAN YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?" Well, before the arms started coming off, they were singing the Spam song in the Spam cafe. Fortunately, she did give it another try later and found out what I was talking about. Do check out the John Cleese thing, not at all Peckinpawish, but the good laugh we can all use now.

Now, to completely change direction, I did a few different tins and some blue and whites that are very different from my usual. I also took the long drive to Cedar Falls for the UNIdome show this weekend. I didn't buy my usual hoarde, but what I got is choice, as they say!

1 comment:

  1. Love the painted pails and watering cans, a nice change of pace to go with new decorating ideas.
