Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I Hate Doing Taxes and I Love Gatherings

I have been buried in paperwork for a week, getting more irritated with every punch of the calculator that I have to do all this tax work, then pay an attorney to fill out the forms, just because the tax code has gotten so impossible, I don't even believe the attorney knows how to do it. Grrrrrr. Thank God for Gatherings, we went there Sunday for a break, what a lovely destressor. I found a wonderful old mustard paint youth chair and some lovely rolling pins in small sizes, just what I needed. We also stopped at Polly Anns, where she had saved out some tins for me to paint, I need to get busy garden theming those up.

Going crazy with the taxes, I was starting to despair of ever getting things done for ebay, when Anna and Grace came to the rescue and stuffed pillows for me and painted some tins and buckets too. They are thrilled with their paychecks and I am thrilled to not have sawdust in my hair from stuffing pillows!

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