Tuesday, March 6, 2012

It All Started with a Picture in Country Sampler and a Pitcher in Artifacts

I saw a picture in the last Country Sampler of a little antique rolling pin, all chippy white old paint, and was completely enamored. Of course, with antiques, never 2 the same, so Little Red Hen-like, I did it myself and painted some. The rolling pins were so exactly what I wanted, I now want to paint everything white. Next, we make a side trip to Artifacts, the eclectic and funky antique store downtown Iowa City. There, you can find everything from a 1980s mannequin sitting on an orange and lime green 1960s sofa to an 1890s dough bowl and early kitchenwares. You have to look in every corner--I once found a pair of high button baby shoes stuffed into a lampshade. Back to our story. I found a beautiful French enamel pitcher there, white with a pale blue graphic design for $60. I thought I could surely find one on ebay for less. Silly me, they cost SOOO much more! Someone more clever than I snatched it up before I got back there, but I got a bit obsessed with all the French enamel canister sets (also with gasping prices of about $400+ per set), all with gorgeous blue and white and red and white, which translated into my blue calico and gingham sleeves on everything. Trying to get the latest in the store tonight, I keep falling asleep before I finish!

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