Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Summertime Auctions

Ebay has been sooooo slow as everyone is busy in the garden and hosting graduation parties. Today I got email-yelled at for painting something, so I guess at least they are looking again! Always best to look on the bright side. I put together a few things for auction, all Americana antiques that look great in summertime displays. I was kind of down in the dumps this morning, but after I spent an hour photographing these, it cheered me right up, red white and blue are very happy colors!


  1. Oh no, Elaine...not the Grouchies yet AGAIN?! Do they have no taste whatsoever? My house is getting fuller by the week...and the majority of it is from YOU! Hey, Grouchies...I AM A SELF-CONFESSED-ELAINE-RUINED-SOMETHING-ELSE-AND-I-JUST-LOVE-IT-AHOLIC. I've got Firkins she painted, I've got Baskets she painted, I've got Tins she painted, I've got Bunnies she painted and I've got Wooden Bowls she painted. I LOVE them all and have even asked her TO paint things for me!!
    Grouchies...quite simply...if you don't like it, DON'T LOOK!!!!

  2. Elaine, Etsy has been REALLY slow this month too. Last year was my first year on Etsy and May was my LOW month - it's the same this year. Let's look forward to June! ~Ann

  3. I tried Etsy and just got no interest from customers at all, but I must admit, I didn't try as hard as I should have! Etsy is such a great idea, but I think it is kind of hard to find things. Ebay treats me well, but, oh their fees! SOmeday I'll get motivated for a real website, in the meantime, I'm hoping for a great June too, thanks!

  4. Elaine~ oh, Sweetie~ ignore them cruel folks~
    I love your talent~ how you can see things & make them come alive~
    I am loving everything you posted~also how you dressed up the earlies(just perfect)
    Sent you an e-mail~

  5. Love the pics you took. Hard to believe that the 4th of July is drawing so close.
    Love the baseballs in the jar. Reminds me of my nephews that love baseball. They eat, sleep and dream Cardinals baseball. I will have to look for some old balls for them to use in their rooms like this. Thanks for the great idea.
