Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I Don't Think the Shakers Would Mind

I have this real Shaker firkin, it has a torn original paper label that is a bit unsightly and it didn't sell, so I put my hands to work and heart to God and added a few things just for me. I had some 1800s blue calico that I wrapped around the middle to cover the label, then put a Shaker seed label on. The label is new, but doesn't it look authentic? My apple core spool didn't sell either, so it is mine now too, and I love the milk paint I added. Those Shaker seed labels are my new "watch out or you'll get a label stuck on you" obsession, I'll have bunches of tins in the shop later. Still working on my red white and blues, hope I get done before July 4!


  1. The firkin looks great.... love the fabric wrapped around it with the label.... No, I don't think the Shakers would mind that at all!

    Looking forward to seeing your red, white, and blue!!!

  2. Hi Elaine- I love your blog! I was wondering if you sell your large painted bowls directly? I don't have an ebay account but would love to purchase one from you . I didn't see your email listed her but was hoping maybe you could contact me. Thanks for any info, Karen

    1. oops- sorry I forgot to leave my email- karenr@metrocast.net
