Thursday, May 17, 2012

Travels in Iowa

I went to Amana last week for the cute fabric and of course visited all the wonderful shops. I took some photos to share, primmity prim table and door are in the Smokehouse, pretty and bright table is from Grapevine Antiques, then a few outdoor shots. The sidewalks, I had to include because it is sooo darn German. I could just hear my father in law "Well, the city might make me put in a sidewalk, but there is no need for it to be more than one person wide, no way am I wasting all that good cement." I had to include the gas station just to show that in Amana, even the gas station is pretty!

My family has some lovely travels coming up. We have Glenn Miller Festival the first week in June, we will be host family to 2 high school girls from Japan who will be playing in an orchestra at the festival. Then, I tell you, I am even more excited than my girls, we are going to Harry Potter World in July. I am going to have to quit buying antiques so I can go shopping in Hogsmeade, I can hardly wait! We are going to stop in Nashville and check out the antique stores too, and the girls are hoping Taylor Swift will be wandering the streets of Nashville so they can meet her at last.

To completely change the subject, this story I find really funny, don't know if it translates to the written word, but I'll try. New neighbors moved in down the street, they have 2 daughters. Our house is the hub of little girl activity, as we have 3 houses in a row full of girls, so my kids and theirs are often out in the yard practicing cartwheels and drawing on the sidewalks. The 2 new girls joined in. I didn't get the whole story until later, but when I was working on my flowers, the new girls were shocked to find that I was the mom, since of course, my girls are Chinese and I am not. "What are you, adopted?", they asked. Anna said to me "Mom, I told them yes and I tried to explain about China's one child policy, but she just looked at me like I was talking nonsense." I guess the one child policy is not a typical play ground discussion!


  1. Too funny! Have you sold your home? Still no word on our "maybe" house.

  2. I love the Amana's. I live about an hour and a half away and go often. Glad you enjoyed it.

    Your story is funny. It translated well.
    Good luck with the house and have a great time in Nashville. It is a great town too. Been there too,I use to live in Southern Missouri.
    Glad your taking your blog with you to your new home.
