Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ordering Bruschetta

I just read a funny little article that I wish would be printed in all waiter/waitress handbooks. It was about being annoyed about being "corrected" by wait staff when one orders bruschetta, which is pronounced broo-SKet-uh, not broo-SHet-uh (ch is almost always a hard K sound in Italian, cc is usually the CH sound--I don't know Italian, except the important things--how to order food!). The waiters ALWAYS say it the wrong way, which I don't mind, but they do insist on telling me I'm saying it wrong. I never argue, as it is always a bad idea to make someone angry who has the opportunity to spit in your food. Still, I do wish they would stop telling me I'm wrong!

Still working away at my antiques, starting to think fall, here in the midst of the horrible heat wave. Cool breezes and pumpkins sound pretty good already and I haven't even had my fireworks and 4th of July hot dog yet!

1 comment:

  1. hi, Elaine~
    Too funny they say the same here in Ohio~ "Shet"
    ~ wonderful bowls~ pretty ~ awe so pretty~
    Have a safe & fun 4th
