Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July Antique Show

Spent the hot day at the antique sales, of which there are many in my neighborhood. These pictures are from the Hanson's Grove show, everyone has such beautiful displays. I came away with much emptier hands than usual, between the slow sales and ebay taking most of my profits, I had to be frugal. I've been wasting time trying to find different sales venues, I think I am going to load up a picturetrail page and see if that works, figure I can have lower prices if I don't have to pay those fees that just keep going up and up. Just when I think they can't add another ridiculous rule to hurt business, they do...

I think I'll go get started on my witchly wares, try a little voodoo perhaps!
P.S. Do any of you have Pinterest suggestions or helpful hints? I just "pinned" my first board, can't seem to get the pins to appear on different boards and honestly, the whole site is just SO MUCH STUFF, I don't know how people actually use it.
Also broke down and did a Facebook page, though I generally think of Facebook as the work of Satan. Now there is just the problem of getting people to actually see the pages I set up!


  1. Hi, Elaine~ Beautiful displays from the show~I don't have facebook or pinterest~ I think a picture trail would work~ I see alot of sales on them~
    smiles & keep cool~

  2. Love these show displays. Where was this show? Owning our own antique store, we have had many sales from our Face book page. I have seen many picture trails out there, but do not know if they generate much money. We use to sell on Ebay, but stopped because of the fees and Ebay is always on the side of the buyer now. Good luck. Janice

  3. I love Pinterest and will pin some of your pictures hoping that will bring people to your blog. Isn't it hotter and dryer than H * E * double hockey sticks?! I stay in my sewing room and with the fan blowing directly on me. I have been cleaning again because there are indications that we may get the house we put a bid on in February. A so-called "Short" sale has nothing to do with the time it takes to process. Must get this place ready for to be sold. xoxo

  4. Hi Elaine, I'm kinda starting to do facebook and pinterest for my business too and after a few months I'am starting to get interest with the FB page. I also sell out of the Brass Armadillo and it has taken me awhile but things are getting busier! YAY! I have mixed feelings about the shows they are fun and meet wonderful people but a lot of work and being in Iowa it's hot!! Well good luck! Please check out my blog and FB it's all about networking! Traci
