Thursday, July 19, 2012

Being Eeyore

I've decided I am having a 100 Acre Wood week, forcing myself to work like Rabbit, when I'd really rather be Pooh eating a jar of hunny, and sighing a lot like Eeyore, "What's the use?" I think it is the long hot dry spell of weather and slow sales just saps my ambition. It is with low enthusiasm that I will be sending out my Salem Hallows Eve collection today. It is rather nice, I think, all dry black milk paints, but still I remain in an "Oh, bother." state of mind. Will work on correcting that!


  1. OMG it nearly that time again?! Where has this year gone to...mind you, I can't wait to see your Christmas goodies! (only the unspoilt ones, of course, m'dear!)
    Love Karen xx

  2. hi, Elaine~ going through the blahs also from the heat & dryness~ kind of depressing can't be outside without wanting to pass out & then to dry for everything~ my flowerbeds look like dried up twigs~
    but I am looking forward to fall~ loving all your fall goodies~ adorable brooms~
