Monday, July 23, 2012

Doing Business

Thank you for all the suggestions for internet shops, I've tried lots of different things over the past couple weeks and think Ebay has me whether I like their rules or not! I spent a whole day setting up a picturetrail page and hated the results and it took forever and then I realized I'd need to buy some expensive advertising to get anyone to see it and cancelled the whole thing. I reopened an Etsy store, but haven't had time to fill it up, will try to do that this week and get a link put in here. I unravelled the mysteries of Pinterest, but have to admit I still do not get the point of that site, and I can't even find the pages I made unless I sign in to my account. Where do they go, I wonder?

So, back to ebay and the crazy fees, the one that has me so annoyed is they are now charging the final value fee on shipping. So, I can either lose money or charge my customers extra, neither choice do I like. I used to get a power seller discount on my fees, but they've taken that away too unless I cave in and buy my shipping labels through ebay, guarantee everything ships within 24 hours, and instantly refund money for any reason whatsoever. I am one little person selling one of a kind antiques, not some big box seller of electronics, which I am beginning to think is all they want on their site, but they have the customers, so not much choice, since I hate doing shows. I don't know how the show people do it, getting up at the crack of dawn and loading and unloading heavy furniture and packing up fragile and valuable items that I know I'd drop and break just from the exhaustion of the show. Almost everyone I know who does shows still sit there with smiles on their faces--I'd be such a grouch!

I got into my fall mood despite the unrelenting heat and have a new idea with some Shaker labels that are from the witch's herb garden, lots of those tins coming soon. For something completely different, here is my little farm collection.


  1. It is frustrating, isn't it? I've sold here and there on Ebay, but the fees are pure craziness. I actually protested about the fees being charged on shipping and was told it was to encourage sellers to only charge actual shipping. GIVE ME A BREAK!! That's all I EVER charged - and if that happened to be more than the estimated amt, I absorbed the difference. I guess that's what really bugged me - that they couldn't be honest about their reasons, and that they apparently think we are too ignorant to figure it out. Wishing you luck - and will be looking forward to the Etsy....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  2. Just got your Ebay message - yikes! Can't believe they did that! My email is rbentley1 at aol dot com. (Sorry to do it that way, but I found that when I just type it in some place, I end up with spam overload....) Robin
