Saturday, November 24, 2012

Christmas Open House 302 South 15th in Clarinda Iowa Next Weekend

Christmas is just rushing here so fast and I can't believe I am off to Clarinda tomorrow to prepare for my big open house antique and Christmas craft extravaganza. Hours will be Thursday and Friday November 29 and 30 from 10 am to 7 pm and Saturday 10 am to 2 pm. I'll be back the next week, Dec. 6 through the 8, same hours.

Now, the house is PACKED with the best of Christmas, I have trees, I have ornaments, I have candles, I have wreaths, I have snowmen, I have Santas, and oh boy, do I have antiques! Here are a few photos I took when I started my displays, it is just a tiny peek at what will await the Clarinda girls when they stop by the house....


  1. Good luck with the open house but from the pics I don't think you will need it.Wish I were closer.Love your fantastic goods!Hugs,Jen

  2. Oh I wish wishes could come true! I would wish that I could be there, wish that I could bring lots back to England with me and wish you a sellout weekend...and that's my three wishes!
    Have a great weekend and chat soon!
    Love Karen xx
