Monday, December 3, 2012

Clarinda Open House Part 2

First weekend did not go so well, only about 40 customers, to which I offer many thanks, the few who came were wonderful! Here are a few photos of my displays, going to try try again on Thursday Friday and Saturday....In case someone in the area actually looks at this blog, it is 10 to 7 Thurs and Friday, Saturday 10-2 at 302 South 15th across from the library.

I went to Amana yesterday and was stopped several times by people asking about the open house--now in Clarinda, I was stopped several times and told people about my open house, and no one seemed to know! I have got to get my advertising figured out...

Amana, by the way is Christmas wonderful, real greenery garlands swathe the town, luminarias everywhere, it is more beautiful than usual, if you are anywhere near, be sure to stop in!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh Elaine, what BEAUTIFUL displays and so full of lovely, lovely goodies! I wish I could have been there...I can't believe only 40 people turned up! Have you tried Facebook? 99.9% of people go on there now, so maybe that would help?
    Good Luck for this weekend, I hope more people arrive!
    Chat soon,
    Love Karen xx
