Thursday, March 31, 2016

An Actual Kitchen Cupboard

One kitchen cupboard is done!  My "new-old" kitchen is going to be completely antique cupboards, no built-ins.  This is the first to be finished and I am breathing a sigh of relief that it is gorgeous.  One never knows when you start with something that looks kind of horrible, but you think it has good bones, then you work on it for a week--burning off old paint, sanding, painting, sanding again, painting again, hoping that it will pay off in the end.  It did!

In case you forgot, here is what it used to look like:

Now, I call that a cupboard miracle.


  1. It looks beautiful! I love the old cupboards instead of built-ins....We'll be redoing our kitchen next year and it will be a battle with my husband....he wants traditional wood cupboards and I want white, farm we'll see....

  2. I had that same battle and must say, very glad I won! At first, my husband said absolutely not, mismatched antique cupboards would look terrible, but I slowly brought him around and now he is just as enthusiastic as I am, says he thinks it is really great that our kitchen will be one of a kind.
