Saturday, March 26, 2016

An Actual Kitchen Floor

Work on the kitchen continues...and we have a floor!  Well, we have half a floor, but maybe a whole floor by the end the of the weekend.  All I have to do is hand tiles to my husband and I am exhausted.  If I had to be on my knees putting them in, I think I'd be in traction by now.

In the meantime, the big cupboard is painted and ready to install after the floor sets for 48 hours and we get the quarter round installed.  Here is a bit of sneak peek, just the top part without its doors.

The next cupboard is out of the garage and up on the porch awaiting my husband's woodworking skills to put a new crown molding and backing on and to fix the broken flour bin.  

this is the top, currently sitting upside down--it will be painted white.

This is the base--I adore the zinc top and it has pull out bread boards!  I am painting this dark blue.  It looks gorgeous in my imagination, hoping reality comes close!


  1. Love following along and seeing all the progress. Love the flooring and the cupboards.

  2. One cupboard is done, hoorah! Hoping to have more progress to show soon!
