Tuesday, April 17, 2018

A New Day

It looks like the dark cloud that has been hovering over me for two months has been dispersed.  My pessimistic nature is screaming "Be quiet!  Don't let the fates notice that things are ok--they'll zap you again for sure!"  My optimistic side is saying "Oh, hush."

On the overseas pitcher debacle, case was opened, and of course eBay sided with the customer and gave her my money.  A mere 3 days of phone calls and complaints from me and I am astonished to say they put the money back in my paypal account.  I am counting that an out and out miracle--I never win these things.

In remodeling news, Grace is varnishing her newly painted floor.  I  will get a photo when it is all dry.  As soon as she gets moved back in, it is back to the master bedroom, just varnish the floor, touch up the paint and unroll a pretty rug and put up gauzy curtains.  I am getting enthused again.  I may even tackle the laundry room next--it is currently a dumping ground for shipping boxes and merchandise overflow (not to mention, I have all the paint cans and brushes in there).

In weather news, it snowed this weekend, and is supposed to do so again tomorrow.  When did the new ice age start anyway?

Oh, I found out Instagram is only for people with smartphones, it doesn't work on a computer!  I also found out it is now owned by facebook, so definitely not going that route.  I am still working on a website, not sure if I will be able to get that finished, and still wondering how I will get anyone to know the website exists even after I have it up.  If only anything were easy...

Here are the latest listings to do:

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